Thursday, July 23, 2015

What Is Bio Energy Healing ?

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Everything is energy. Energy is constantly flowing and changing state. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed and can only change from one state to another. The cells of our physical bodies are energy, which is constantly changing and renewing itself. From trees to vegetables, rocks to planets, metal to wood and thoughts to emotions; everything is energy. Some energy we see and some energy we don't, yet both exist, for example, you don't see electricity yet you still enjoy its benefits!

A typical Bio-Energy Healing treatment takes place over 4 consecutive weeks with a follow up session after 1 month. The Bio- Energy Healing technique is non-invasive as there is minimal touch and the client remains fully clothed removing only shoes and metal objects. Clients may be asked to stand or sit down in a special treatment chair at different stages of the session depending on the techniques used.

During sessions clients may feel heat or cold, tingling sensations and also swaying or movement of the body. After the session some clients immediately begin to feel remarkable changes in their health. Others become more aware of their illness for a few days as their body starts to release years of stagnant energy. Clients may also notice very little happening initially but find their illnesses have disappeared over the weeks following the sessions. This example is like a traffic jam; once the problem has been removed the cars at the back of the line still have to wait to get moving. Practitioners know that once they have successfully restored the flow of energy to the body, they can step back and trust the process to work.

To book a session in Perth, Scotland telephone 07714208818, where we will be happy to talk you through the process and benefits and answer any questions you may have.

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